Fri 18 Apr

Save Our Scene: Live Tour

In partnership with Save Our Scene

About this event

Save Our Scene | Make A Scene Tour (Mar­gate)

Make a Scene Tour trav­els across the UK to 3 incred­i­ble venues — putting on 3 incred­i­ble events — with a purpose.

Brighton / Pat­terns / 4.4.25

Mar­gate / Faith In Strangers / 18.4.25

Birm­ing­ham / Hare & Hounds / 19.4.25

Cel­e­brate grass­roots music! This tour sup­ports venues, artists & pro­mot­ers through the Live Line Fund. An evening of for­ward fac­ing House music.

Cel­e­brate the lega­cy of grass­roots venues while sup­port­ing their future. This tour high­lights their cul­tur­al impact and rais­es funds for the Live Line Fund, an ini­tia­tive by Save Our Scene and Music Venue Trust.

The fund, backed by artists like Cold­play, Sam Fend­er, and Katy Per­ry, pro­vides vital sup­port to venues, artists, and pro­mot­ers through dona­tions and part­ner­ships. Togeth­er, we’re keep­ing live music alive.


10:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.