Fri 13 Jun

Luke Vib­ert (+ Yuri Suzuki)

In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

On 13th June, we are joined by acid, elec­tro and jun­gle trail­blaz­er Luke Vib­ert at Faith In Strangers Margate.

Vib­ert grew up in Corn­wall and played bass and drums in punk and rock bands grow­ing up. Lat­er a key mem­ber of famed British elec­tron­ic musi­cian Aphex Twin’s Rephlex Records crew in the ear­ly 1990’s. Spurred on by the suc­cess of his friend Richard D. James (Aphex Twin), Luke began record­ing and releas­ing some of his own music and lat­er released a col­lab­o­ra­tive album, Weirs on Richard James’ Rephlex label. Large­ly respon­si­ble for pio­neer­ing the elec­tron­ic music genre known as Trip Hop under the alias Wag­on Christ. Vib­ert has record­ed under many dif­fer­ent well known musi­cal alias­es, most notably Wag­on Christ, Ker­ri­er Dis­trict, Plug, Amen Andrews, Ace of Clubs, Luke Warm and But­ler Keiv.

Luke has released almost 40 full-length albums in addi­tion to hun­dreds of EPs, sin­gles, remix­es through­out his incred­i­ble record­ed discog­ra­phy. Vib­ert has remixed a wide range of music artists such as Tor­toise, Nine Inch Nails, Stere­o­lab, Todd Osborne, Square­push­er, Aphex Twin, Meat Beat Man­i­festo, Thurston Moore, Cold­cut, Lamb, David Syl­vian to name a few.

He has toured the world mul­ti­ple times and played most pop­u­lar music fes­ti­vals, con­cert halls and venues includ­ing Sonar Fes­ti­val in Barcelona, Coachel­la Music Fes­ti­val in Cal­i­for­nia, Moog Fes­ti­val, Bang­face Week­end and many more.


9:30 PM
Event Doors
9:30 PM
Yuri Suzuki
11:30 PM
Luke Vibert


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.