Wed 16 Jul

Cather­ine Bohart: Again, With Feelings

Presented by Chumps Com­e­dy

About this event

Pre­sent­ed by Chump’s Com­e­dy and Soho The­atre:

Edin­burgh Com­e­dy Award nom­i­nee Cather­ine Bohart’s back and ready to talk about her feel­ings (again)…

Join one of the UK and Ireland’s most-excit­ing comics for a hilar­i­ous­ly twist­ed sec­ond com­ing-of-age saga as she reck­ons with death-obsessed par­ents, queer repro­duc­tion and how adult­hood, frankly, isn’t liv­ing up to her expectations.

Host of hit pod­cast Trusty Hogs. As seen and heard on Live at the Apol­lo, The Mash Report, Immac­u­late (Ama­zon Prime spe­cial), Mock the Week and The News Quiz.

Nom­i­nee: Edin­burgh Com­e­dy Awards 2024 Best Show

Praise for Again, With Feelings:

Fire­crack­er hour… her best yet’ ★★★★★ The Guardian

A very endear­ing hour of enter­tain­ment’ ★★★★★ Reviews Hub

Hilar­i­ous… a fun­ny and reveal­ing show’ ★★★★ The Scotsman

Nat­u­ral­ly fun­ny… utter­ly con­sum­able’ ★★★★ The Times

Blis­ter­ing exe­cu­tion and rapid-fire gags… a gem’ ★★★★ The Age

A stand-up in such com­mand of her mate­r­i­al… a real delight’ ★★★★ Chortle

There’s nev­er a dull moment’ ★★★★ The Arts Desk

This is an 18+ event


7:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.