Sat 10 May


In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

All tick­ets are now SOLD OUT!

Be aware of scams: Please note that Dice tick­ets can only be resold via the Dice app, and we only rec­om­mend the use of Tick­etswap. We are sad­ly not respon­si­ble for any­one who pur­chas­es fake tick­ets from unof­fi­cial resale.

The One and Only DJEZ Lands in Margate!

Faith In Strangers wel­comes a true UK garage icon on Sat­ur­day, 10 May, as the leg­endary DJEZ takes over the decks!

From pirate radio in the 90s to sold-out glob­al tours and viral Boil­er Room moments, EZ’s razor-sharp mix­ing and light­ning-fast cue-but­ton wiz­ardry have cement­ed his sta­tus as one of the most tech­ni­cal­ly gift­ed DJs of all time. A pio­neer, a trail­blaz­er, and the DJ’s favorite DJ — this is UKG mas­tery at its finest.

+ With sup­port from Mar­gate’s garage scene leg­end, The Fraudster/​ALWAYS A DRAMA.


10:00 PM
10:00 PM
The Fraudster/ALWAYS A DRAMA
12:00 AM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.