Fri 20 Jun

Fleet­mac Wood presents: Leather & Lace Disco

Presented by Fleet­mac Wood

About this event

Not a trib­ute, but a rave and AV show that reworks the clas­sic-rock sound of the Mac into a spec­trum of elec­tron­ic gen­res. Remix­es of the hits and plen­ty of deep-cuts ready for the chif­fon-filled dance floor. This is a tun­nel-visioned, all-night journey. 

If you don’t like Fleet­wood Mac, Stand Back, Stand Back. Since 2012, DJs Rox­anne Roll and Alex Oxley have been host­ing their tun­nel-visioned event and cel­e­brat­ing the exten­sive back cat­a­logue of Fleet­wood Mac. With a curat­ed and cre­at­ed assort­ment of remix­es and edits they’ve shared their pas­sion with like-mind­ed hedo­nists at some of the best fes­ti­vals and clubs in the world.

Glas­ton­bury to Robot Heart (Burn­ing Man), from Print­works Lon­don to Kan­tine am Berghain.


9:00 PM


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