House Rules

  • Thou must have faith in thy fel­low patrons and treat them with respect.
  • Thou shalt treat all liv­ing things with equal respect and kind­ness, regard­less of their differences.
  • Respect for oth­ers’ per­son­al space shall be upheld at all times, and thou shalt approach phys­i­cal con­tact with cau­tion and consent.
  • Inan­i­mate objects shall be treat­ed as though they were thy own unborn chil­dren, with care and consideration.
  • Thou shalt not steal from us, for the sim­u­la­tion shall strike and smite thee down.
  • Enter thou with an open heart and give space for artists and tal­ent to exper­i­ment, express them­selves and flourish.
  • Thou shalt con­tribute to the pos­i­tiv­i­ty in the room, and if thou hast some­thing con­struc­tive to say, even if it is neg­a­tive, come and speak with us, and we shall listen.
  • Thou shalt not cre­ate the real­i­ty thou dost not wish to perceive.
  • Thou shalt take care of thy­self and oth­ers, and if some­one is unwell, thou shalt let us know.
  • Thou shalt pay more atten­tion to oth­er humans than to thy phone.