Fri 04 Apr

Eats Every­thing (Extend­ed Set)

In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

We are over the moon to announce UK elec­tron­ic music pow­er­house Eats Every­thing joins us for a super exclu­sive, lim­it­ed capac­i­ty extend­ed set at Faith In Strangers on Fri 4 Apr.

Eats Every­thing (AKA Daniel Pearce) is glob­al­ly renowned for his genre-blend­ing sets, relent­less ener­gy and infec­tious sound. Dan’s tech­ni­cal abil­i­ty com­bined with his musi­cal knowl­edge — spans house, tech­no, dis­co, garage, jun­gle and much more. There are many sides to Eats Every­thing, but at his core is the essence of rave cul­ture: cul­ti­vat­ing the par­ty ener­gy that unites every­one on the dancefloor. 

Hav­ing been a reg­u­lar for both Defect­ed & Glit­ter­box for many years, he needs absolute­ly no intro­duc­tion, just come and see for yourself.


10:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.