
Our bar is cur­rent­ly open on Fri­day & Sat­ur­day evenings from 6pm. Our restau­rant is open­ing March 2025 — keep an eye out for news. Our venue pro­vides an ide­al set­ting for large gath­er­ings, birth­days, wed­dings, and spe­cial cel­e­bra­tions. Whether you’re plan­ning a big event or a casu­al meet-up, we’re here to accom­mo­date, with walk-ins and small­er groups always wel­come. Faith In Strangers is the per­fect spot for any occasion.


Sit­u­at­ed in the beau­ti­ful sea­side town of Mar­gate, we offer stun­ning views of the ocean and breath­tak­ing sun­sets. Our bar is often open before tick­et­ed events but check our What’s On page incase.
Join us on Fri­day and Sat­ur­day nights from 6pm.

Through The Noise Feb 24 FIS 004

Locat­ed just a stone’s throw from the icon­ic Wal­pole tidal pool beach, Faith In Strangers is a hid­den gem and unique destination.

MK4 0373
Smoke & Mirrors
Tommy's Margarita
MK4 0157
Our Bar
Japanese Shandy


We're always deep in cocktail R&D, crafting a selection of bespoke creations alongside all the classic favourites.

For the beer lovers, we've got you covered with ten rotating taps showcasing a mix of local brews and international gems.

Wild Cherry cocktail

Large Groups & Celebrations

Faith In Strangers is the per­fect spot to cel­e­brate your birth­day or for other large grouped celebrations. Reserve a spot for up to 16 peo­ple via our reser­va­tions link or check out here for more info.

The Perfect Place To Grow Credit samharrons compendia 42 of 63

Please note that our venue is locat­ed on the first floor and can only be accessed by stairs. We apol­o­gise for any incon­ve­nience as there is no ele­va­tor access available.

We often host tick­et­ed events. To stay up-to-date on our upcom­ing events, be sure to check our What’s On” page.

Book your space now!


We ask kindly that under 18's are vacated from the venue by 8pm and where possible booked onto earlier reservations. Children must remained seated and accompanied by an adult. We do not currently have high chairs or a changing facility.

Dogs are allowed but are required to be kept with you at the table and not free to roam around.

We only accept card payments - that includes contactless, apple pay, google pay etc.

Our ticketed events will usually be from after dinner 9/10pm onwards. Sometimes we will host events that are ticketed earlier on so please check the What’s On page. We recommend that you buy tickets in advance but they may be available on the door too.

We aren't a members bar. We are open to the public from 6pm on Friday's & Saturdays. During the working week we are a coworking space which is membership based.