Sun 03 Apr

Eat Ethio

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

On Sun­day 3rd of April, we’ll be open­ing our doors from 15:00 till sun­set for a spe­cial after­noon hang out with Eat Ethio.

Eat Ethio is a mul­ti­lay­ered project that proud­ly cel­e­brates the cul­ture of Ethiopia by merg­ing the rela­tion­ship between food, music and artistry. Orig­i­nal­ly found­ed in the bustling city of Shang­hai by Ethiopi­an native, cook and herbal­ist Heli­na and design­er and part­ner Scott, Eat Ethio shares it’s ethos via sup­per clubs, pop-ups and col­lab­o­ra­tions, as well as through recipe devel­op­ment, work­ing with the likes of Aparta­men­to Mag­a­zne and Film Africa.

The pair also like to takeover the decks, pre­vi­ous­ly hold­ing down a month­ly res­i­den­cy at the Hong Kong audio­phile sanc­tu­ary, The Music Room Pota­to Head as well as col­lab­o­rat­ing with Ana­logue Foun­da­tion and Bril­liant Cor­ners for Giant Steps in Lon­don and guest appear­ing on the South Lon­don col­lec­tive Touch­ing Bass’ radio show on NTS Radio which was recent­ly vot­ed as Best Mix­es of 2021’ by Mix Mag.

Heli­na and Scott have been col­lect­ing rare Ethio Jazz records for over 10 years, with a par­tic­u­lar inter­est in the 60 – 70s Swing, Jazz and Funk era. Their hope is to pre­serve and pass on this unique music for the next gen­er­a­tion as well as share with as many along the way!

Some of these beau­ti­ful records have now been reis­sued, of which a care­ful­ly curat­ed selec­tion can be found on Eat Ethio’s online shop. Expect a jour­ney, through the gold­en era of Ethiopia’s retro musi­cal land­scape, the mag­i­cal sound of Ethiopi­an jazz and funk infused with tra­di­tion­al instruments.

This is a fam­i­ly friend­ly ses­sion — Come through, feed your ears!


3:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.