Art & Exhibitions

Upcom­ing & ongo­ing shows

Untitled design 12
Untitled design 13
Text me 1

Text Me When You Get Home’ 

Thel­ma Speirs

March 1st-30th

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with POW fes­ti­val 2024, Artist and Design­er, Thel­ma Speirs show­cas­es her col­lec­tion Text Me When You Get Home’- a col­lec­tion of glass paint­ings and prints inspired by per­son­al expe­ri­ence, and the sense of unease and won­der that accom­pa­nies soli­tary night-time walks. 

Step into the noc­tur­nal world of Text Me When You Get Home,” where I unveil a col­lec­tion of glass paint­ings that beck­on view­ers on a jour­ney through the mys­ter­ies of the night. Host­ed in the foy­er of the night club, Faith in Strangers’, this exhi­bi­tion offers a unique jux­ta­po­si­tion of artis­tic expres­sion and nightlife ener­gy. Inspired by per­son­al expe­ri­ences and the uni­ver­sal sense of unease and won­der that accom­pa­nies soli­tary night-time trav­els. The paint­ings exude a sub­tle sense of fore­bod­ing, echo­ing the appre­hen­sion that lingers in the shad­ows, yet also evokes a sense of won­der and enchant­ment. Ethe­re­al nightscapes come alive with shim­mer­ing moon­light, while enchant­ed wood­lands whis­per tales of secrets and myths. Myth­i­cal crea­tures dance amidst the star-strewn skies, blur­ring the lines between real­i­ty and the realm of imag­i­na­tion. Text Me When You Get Home” serves as a reminder of the dai­ly real­i­ties faced by women, urg­ing view­ers to con­front and con­tem­plate the com­plex­i­ties of nav­i­gat­ing the night.”

The exhi­bi­tion is on dis­play in our main lob­by and will run through the month of March. 

For any pur­chase enquiries, please con­tact Thel­ma directly. — instagram

POW2024 Art Trail