Fri 22 Apr

Dart­mouth Arms Take Over

Presented by Dart­mouth Arms

About this event

Dart­mouth Arms return to the Kent coast for anoth­er fun packed take over at one of Margate’s most famous hang out spots and the place to enjoy great music
this sum­mer Faith in Strangers.

Eddie, Stu­art and Neil will be bring­ing their trade­mark Dart­mouth Arms vibes play­ing a sound­track to your evening encom­pass­ing balearic, redis­cov­ered par­ty unclss­sics, odd­ball rar­i­ties, jazz, dis­co, funk and the more mod­ern elec­tron­ic sounds cas­cad­ing through the evening.

Eddie (Pup­pet Parade)
Neil Thorn­ton (Laser­mag­net­ic)
& Stu­art Lange­ly (Dis­ap­pear­ing Din­ing Club)

Eddie (Pup­pet Parade)
Rams­gate based Eddie Smith has been pro­duc­ing and play­ing elec­tron­ic music for over 10 years. Ear­ly influ­ences in jazz and dub have devel­oped to incor­po­rate all things house and tech­no. His strong sets and intrigu­ing pro­duc­tions, often in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Canary Fontaine have cap­tured the atten­tion of those around them and we have seen him the share the decks with a vari­ety of lead­ing lights from the under­ground cir­cuit. Eddie’s musi­cal jour­ney has seen him grace the decks at venues and par­ties such as Week­end Club Berlin, Lo*Kee, Half Baked, Cable and has his upcom­ing debut at WYS @ fab­ric. A string of releas­es on sis­ter labels Seri­al­ism and Mean have gar­nered sup­port from Daze Max­im, Ter­ry Fran­cis, Layo & Bushwac­ka and Luna City Express amongst oth­ers. it appears there is more unpre­dictabil­i­ty to come from Eddie.

Stu­art Langley
The Rams­gate based Dis­ap­pear­ing Din­ning Club founder and huge music lover with influ­ences includ­ing rare groove, soul, elec­tron­ic pop and alter­na­tive 80s sounds, Stu­art has been involved close­ly with the Lon­don and Ibiza hos­pi­tal­i­ty for over 20 years includ­ing a stint at Café Mam­bo in the hal­cy­on years and with the Dis­ap­pear­ing Din­ning Club con­cept along­side Fred Brolin for 10 years along­side the amaz­ing din­ner par­ties he has booked some rather great guest includ­ing Jose Padil­la, Phil Mison, Pete Good­ing, Nan­cy Noise, Leo Zero, Mr Shiv­er, Nick Gynn, Jim Breese, Scott Mar­tin and count­less others.

Neil Thorn­ton


Lon­don based DJ and pro­mot­er Neil Thorn­ton has been both pro­mot­ing events and clubs since 1996. Hav­ing always been a lover of music nev­er being pigeon­holed but always about good grooves from Eso­teric, Baleari­ca, dis­co to house and elec­tron­i­ca from all around the atlas. He began play­ing records in the mid 90s at ware­house par­ties before hold­ing his own events under dif­fer­ent guis­es always focus­ing on qual­i­ty guests and good par­ty eti­quette. Along­side good friend and par­ty cohort John­ny Hiller, he pro­mot­ed the pre­mier Dis­co par­ty Lasermagnetic


6:00 PM


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