Sat 07 May

Bill Brew­ster and Yidah

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Bill Brew­ster a vet­er­an of the music scene hav­ing been DJing from the 80’s and orig­i­na­tor of the now famous Low Life par­ties has recent­ly tak­en on a new role. Sev­er­al months ago Bill decid­ed to offer his ser­vices as a men­tor in a attempt to open doors and shat­ter glass ceil­ings that stopped the progress of young female DJs with­in the indus­try. Bill put out the call and on Sat­ur­day the 7th of May, Bill will be bring­ing his pro­tégé Yidah to Faith In Strangers.

Doors open at 18:00 and will include an inter­view and Q&A with Bill and Yidah before they start to spin records.

We are keep­ing this event free entry, in sup­port of a very tal­ent­ed young female DJ at the start of her jour­ney. Come and get down!

What Bill Says…

I’d been wait­ing a while for some­one in the indus­try to start some­thing like this and I’d been think­ing about doing some­thing for a while and just decid­ed it was time to try and ini­ti­ate some­thing in the hope that oth­ers fol­lowed suit; so far there’s no sign of that hap­pen­ing. I haven’t done enough to help women move fur­ther and the indus­try itself has cer­tain­ly fall­en well short. The response was incred­i­ble! I had near­ly 70 can­di­dates, and of a very high stan­dard, so it was hard to pick just one; and, in fact, I’ve con­tin­ued to help a cou­ple of oth­ers more infor­mal­ly, but I thought I could give the most help to Yidah. She has tal­ent, but she has­n’t got many con­tacts, she’s only lived in the UK a few years and I think just need­ed guid­ing and point­ing in the right direc­tion to get going. I’m real­ly con­fi­dent that we can get her a bit near­er to her goals in the next year. I’m hap­py with the progress so far, but I’m hop­ing once we’re fur­ther into the year, I can start help­ing her get more shows. I would still like the indus­try to cre­ate more for­malised schemes though.”

Mov­ing peo­ple onto dance­floors, out of their heads and into their hearts, is the goal of Trinida­di­an born-Lon­don based DJYIDAH. No stranger to the music scene, YIDAH received an unortho­dox bap­tism of fire into the enter­tain­ment indus­try, grow­ing up in a musi­cal­ly fra­grant fam­i­ly and work­ing along­side her moth­er in live con­cert and fes­ti­val events through­out her teen years. Trinidad & Toba­go being an island par­ty cap­i­tal and a melt­ing pot of races, cul­tures, flavours and sounds. Hav­ing come from a dance, dra­ma and visu­al arts back­ground, step­ping into the DJ scene in 2020 seemed like a nat­ur­al pro­gres­sion for YIDAH. Her DJ friend gave her a 3‑week crash course and YIDAH booked her first club event. Four club gigs lat­er, she was gain­ing recog­ni­tion as a young emerg­ing female DJto look at’ on TT under­ground music scene. YIDAH’S sets boast of intox­i­cat­ing pro­gres­sive house, afro house, nu-dis­co, afro beat, fused with ele­ments of hip hop, dance­hall, and soca, depend­ing on the event.

YIDAH was fea­tured on a nation­al lev­el in the Trinida­di­an nation­al news­pa­per News­day amidst the buzz sur­round­ing her eclec­tic DJ sets. In Sept 2020 she left Trinidad for Point Blank Music School in Lon­don to embark on a DJ/​Producer Diplo­ma. Since grad­u­at­ing from Point Blank, she has curat­ed guest mix­es for Tehran Radio, Reprezent Radio, SOTU Nights, DJLBEE’s Sun­set Lock­down Series and AFTT. In 2020, she also launched her first DJ/​fashion brand col­lab­o­ra­tion with TT design house Wil­low & Oak, cre­at­ing a plat­form for the YIDAHCOLLECTION.

In ear­ly 2022, she was select­ed by Bill Brew­ster for a men­tor­ship scheme, which will help her step up to the next lev­el. YIDAH brings a fresh and unique vibe to the DJ world and is pas­sion­ate­ly zex­plor­ing the inter­na­tion­al music scene with an intent to rock fes­ti­val stages, clubs and events as a break­through DJ in 2022.


6:00 PM


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