Sat 09 Apr

Asian Pot Luck

Presented by Asian Potluck

About this event

This event is for any­one in Thanet pas­sion­ate about cook­ing Asian food. We all make a dish and bring it to the event then get to enjoy the best Asian buf­fet in Mar­gate! This is about bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er over a shared pas­sion and get­ting to meet new peo­ple (and talk about food a lot with­out bor­ing peo­ple!) It’s not about being an exclu­sive event for amaz­ing chefs.

How­ev­er Asian Potluck encour­age you to try and make some­thing authen­tic that you would­n’t see in a Chi­nese take-away.

NOTE: adding jars of Tesco red cur­ry paste to coconut milk does not count as Asian cooking!

If you’re up for this event can you please reg­is­ter here so I know the final num­bers and reg­is­ter each guest you bring sep­a­rate­ly, thanks. More details of the event will be sent by email once you register.

If you know some­one who is pas­sion­ate about cook­ing Asian food then feel free to share this with them and ask them to reg­is­ter here too. We’re very lucky to have such an awe­some space and there’s plen­ty of room.

Can’t wait to see you there!


2:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.