Fri 18 Feb

Win­ter Warm­ers with Yuri Suzuki

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

This Fri­day we wel­come Yuri Suzu­ki @yurisuzukilondon

Con­cep­tu­al artist, sound design­er and com­pos­er of musi­cal curios Yuri Suzu­ki is one of Mar­gate’s finest trea­sure. You can expect Yuri to ease you in and warm you up with funk, soul and jazz loungers before turn up the heat with all types of house, rare grooves and exper­i­men­tal tech­no. Move your feet!

Entry is free before 10. £5OTD after­wards (card only)

We work close­ly with Yuri so expect a lot more projects in the near future. Not only is he one of the worlds lead­ing sound design­er, artists and inven­tors with pieces host­ed around the world, but is also an avid elec­tron­ic music pro­duc­er, recent­ly sign­ing records on the leg­endary Chica­go house label Trax records @traxrecords along with a remix for anoth­er favourite artist of ours Raven Bush @allsoundismusic on PRAH record­ings @prahrecordings

Yuri’s approach is play­ful and imag­i­na­tive, he brings unique ideas to his son­ic explo­rations when work­ing with artists such as Jeff Mills @jeff_mills_official

As if all that was­n’t enough, Yuri has found the time to start his own record label called MSG@___msg , we sug­gest you keep an ear out for their releas­es.

Basi­cal­ly Yuri breathes sound, music, art and design and is insane­ly pas­sion­ate, hard­work­ing, gen­er­ous and a true lover of music and the sur­round­ing community.


6:00 PM
Free Entry
10:00 PM
£5 on the door


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.