Fri 23 Jul

Sun­set Ses­sions with Ali Renault

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

This Fri­day (23.07) we have Ali Renault on the selec­tions…

FREE entry from 18:00. Entrance is next door to bugsys, look out for the spacey TV.

Ali Renault is a DJ / Pro­duc­er from Lon­don, UK who makes hyp­not­ic synth dis­co jams. You might know him from his work as part of Heart­break (20052009), or from many a fine release on the sem­i­nal Dis­si­dent label, or maybe more under the radar releas­es on Cyber Dance, Human Shield, Mous­tache, Zone and more recent­ly on Roth­mans and his new imprint Vivod. An impres­sive under­stand­ing of the four cor­ners of the elec­tro galaxy in Detroit, Rim­i­ni, Den Haag and Lon­don has per­me­at­ed all Renault mate­r­i­al and is cer­tain­ly evi­dent in his pro­duc­tions.

Ali has toured the US and played numer­ous fes­ti­vals includ­ing Sonar, Glas­ton­bury & Field Day to name a few with his Heart­break project. After heavy tour­ing fol­low­ing the release of their album Lies’ in 2008 the band decid­ed to split in 2009 and Ali con­cen­trat­ed again on his solo pro­duc­tions releas­ing tracks on labels Mous­tache, Zone, Unknown To The Unknown and released his debut self titled album on Cyber Dance in 2011. Since then he’s tak­en his live set around Europe and con­cen­trat­ed on his Vivod imprint which is prov­ing to be one of the hottest new labels around. His DJ sets are not to be missed either play­ing a range of styles from Ita­lo, Synth, Dis­co, House and Techno.


4:53 PM


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