Fri 11 Jun

Sun­set Selec­tions with Tom Furse

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

We’re thrilled to have Tom Furse on the sun­set son­ics selec­tions this Fri­day. Tom will draw on his broad and eclec­tic influ­ences to put togeth­er a unique aur­al expe­ri­ence, back lit by the sun­set sea views at Faith In Strangers.

Not­ed for his work with The Hor­rors and a reg­u­lar on NTS Radio, he has recent­ly released a solo ambi­ent col­lec­tion called Ecsta­t­ic Med­i­ta­tions on Lo Record­ings — check it out on band­camp https://​tom​furse​.band​camp​.com/….

A son­ic tapes­try of sound that takes inspi­ra­tion from the likes of Alice Coltrane, Laraa­ji, Eno and Steve Reich togeth­er with a new found appre­ci­a­tion for Japan­ese envi­ron­men­tal music com­posers such as Aki­ra Ito and Yasau­ki Shiz­imu. The result is an intense yet play­ful­ly refresh­ing take on ambi­ent and elec­tron­ic music Ecsta­t­ic Med­i­ta­tions’, the fol­low up to 2016’s acclaimed debut solo out­ing Inter­ludes’, fea­tures six beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed new tracks lead­ing with an edit of the 20 minute album open­er and lead track Jour­ney In Ecsta­sy’. An adven­tur­ous deep lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence, the new col­lec­tion was record­ed, mixed and mas­tered by Furse at his elec­tron­ic stu­dio on the Mar­gate coast.

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5:00 PM


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