Fri 06 Aug

Sun­set Selec­tions with My Pan­da Shall Fly

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Suren Senevi­ratne AKA My Pan­da Shall Fly is a Sri Lankan born record­ing artist and DJ who has toured inter­na­tion­al­ly since 2011.

His eclec­tic cat­a­logue of orig­i­nal work and remix­es has gar­nered praise from the likes of Pitch­fork, Dazed & NTS while col­lab­o­ra­tions with video artists like Werk­flow, Daniel Swan and Yoshi Sodeo­ka has cement­ed his posi­tion as one of the most refresh­ing new artis­tic voic­es around.

Recent­ly, Senevi­ratne has worked on var­i­ous New Media projects lend­ing his exper­tise for brands such as Sadlers Wells, Google Day­dream, Boil­er Room, Guc­ci, Red Bull and CTM Fes­ti­val among others.

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5:00 PM


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