Sat 28 Aug

Sun­set Selec­tions with Mr Beat­nick & Richard Greenan

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Mr Beat­nick
A res­i­dent on NTS radio @nts_radio for a decade, pro­duc­er and DJ Mr Beat­nick has released on labels such as Aus Music @aus_music , Far Out @farout_recordings out and Atjazz Record­ings @atjazzrecordcompany and is syn­ony­mous with cut­ting edge tech­no imprint Don’t Be Afraid @dbarecordings . His Syn­thetes Tril­o­gy” of deep house releas­es won plau­dits in the ear­ly 2010s and led to gigs at venues and fes­ti­vals such as Panora­ma Bar, Rex Club @rexclub , Dimen­sions @dimensionsfestival , Found and Sonar Fes­ti­val @sonarfestival. Last years album Hon­ey­comb”, record­ed in lock­down found him explor­ing synth exper­i­ments and his love of library music, and was list­ed as one of Bandcamp’s Best Elec­tron­ic Albums 2020”. Expect the unex­pect­ed with this holis­tic, wide reach­ing selec­tor.

Richard Greenan

Musi­cian, DJ and design­er Richard Greenan found­ed the record label Kit Records in 2013@kitrecs — releas­ing around 50 records to date — his music hov­ers between min­i­mal com­po­si­tion and play­ful sur­re­al­ist hip-hop, rather like a space age Eric Satie. He has as per­formed at Café Oto @cafeotodalstonThe Turn­er Con­tem­po­rary and Som­er­set House, and released work through Lost Map, videogamemu­sic, REC­KNO and Kit Records, as well as hold­ing down a res­i­den­cy on NTS radio for ten years. His new album, Rehears­ing Heat came out in June and has received air­play on BBC Radio 6 Music.1d


1:37 AM


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