Sat 18 Jun

Sun­set Selec­tions with Ed Wil­son & Dan Willis

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

On Sat­ur­day 18th June we wel­come two of the biggest, hairi­est and most hand­some men of the Lon­don restau­rant scene.
Ed Wil­son @edjwilson is the chef patron of one of Lon­don’s most loved restau­rants — Brawn @brawn49. From the day it opened it was obvi­ous that not only was Ed’s food and taste in wine incred­i­ble but so was his record col­lec­tion. Now a part­ner in crime with @gillespeterson across mul­ti­ple projects includ­ing their roam­ing restau­rant and record label @brawnswood. He also recent­ly set up on the Mar­gate har­bour arm.
Dan Willis @danieljohnwillis is the founder of two of Lon­don’s most loved restau­rants, The Clove Club and Luca and also a pro­duc­er, DJ and record col­lec­tor, known for on point selec­tions across all gen­res and one third of par­ty starters @GrandKruSoundsystem along side long time col­lab­o­ra­tor @dynamitemcmc.
Dan also signed some records to Faith In Strangers founder Jere­my’s record label back in 2010 and they have been good pals since.
Ed & Dan have also been friends for years, sur­pris­ing­ly this is the first time these two units of food and music have played togeth­er.
Expect sparks, bub­bles, bants, vibes and selec­tions of the high­est order. Come join us for a dance from sun­set til late! We’ll be open from 6pm till late!


6:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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