Fri 27 May

Sun­set Selec­tions with Coco Maria

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

On Fri­day 27th of May, Club Coco comes to Mar­gate! The rapid rise of Coco Maria can not be under­stat­ed, orig­i­nal­ly hail­ing from Mex­i­co and now based in Europe, she spe­cial­izes in Brazil­ian, South Amer­i­can, Cen­tral Amer­i­can, and Caribbean wax. Irre­sistible slices of jazz, sam­ba, cumbia, and all sorts of rar­i­ties from sun­ny, far-off places — and all mixed with her irre­press­ible ener­gy and orig­i­nal style. Join Coco Maria as she cuts the rib­bon and offi­cial­ly unveils Mar­gate Sum­mer Time (MST).

Coco Maria hosts her flag­ship morn­ing show Club Coco” on World­wide FM. Club Coco” is also the title of her debut com­pi­la­tion release on Bon­jo Joe Records, which saw her curate as well as fea­ture on a stun­ning blend of music from around the world.

When she’s not dig­ging or spin­ning records for her radio shows and com­pi­la­tions, she can be found show­cas­ing her orig­i­nal sound at clubs and fes­ti­vals glob­al­ly such as World­wide Sete, Dek­man­tel, Bahi­do­ra, We out Here, GALA, All Points East, Lente Kabi­net, Ric­ci Week­ender and Lis­ten! to name a few.


8:10 PM


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