Fri 09 Sep

Sun­set Selec­tions // Chris Stoker

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Chris Stok­er aka Char­lie Nobody. One half of Ess O Ess and co pilot of Not An Ani­mal Records which is a label born from the par­ty debris left uncleaned from London’s infa­mous Bad Pas­sion parties. 

As Chris and Andy’s ener­gy was being devot­ed more and more to their musi­cal endeav­ours it became both a log­i­cal and inevitable step that they would even­tu­al­ly see the birth of their own record label, to show­case not only their own music but also that of the friends that they’ve made in over a decade of throw­ing and attend­ing par­ties in var­i­ous guises.

It’s this col­lec­tive nature which means that Not An Ani­mal can­not be pinned down to one sin­gle sound, genre or style. The music is instead linked by a com­mon­al­i­ty of taste and approach from all of the artists involved. While you can draw some slight com­par­isons with the con­trib­u­tors such as Roman Flugel, Lauer, Chi­da, Suzanne Kraft, The Back­woods, Kuniyu­ki, Frank But­ters, Justin Van Der Vol­gen, Dis­co­dro­mo, Tia­go & Angopho­ra, it would be impos­si­ble to say that any­thing tru­ly unites them fur­ther than an open aes­thet­ic which is recep­tive to sounds as var­i­ous as Left­field house, Synth Pop, Tech­no, Punk, & Baleari­ca and which doesn’t try to draw any dis­tinc­tion between any of them.


6:37 PM


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