Sat 30 Apr

SEC­TOR9 presents: Offi­cial SANDS Launch Par­ty — Free

Presented by SANDS

About this event

A.R.T (Alfy Dunne, Rory Pye, Travis Skelton) 

Bra­ga Circuit 


Synth Sys­tem Systers

We’re excit­ed to announce the offi­cial SANDS launch par­ty on Sat­ur­day 30th April at Faith In Strangers pre­sent­ed by Sec­tor 9. Fea­tur­ing a stel­lar line­up of DJ’s play­ing incred­i­ble music into the night over­look­ing a stun­ning set­ting. Tick­ets for this event are free and need to be claimed, don’t miss out!


6:00 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.