Fri 25 Oct

Nor­man Jay MBE

In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

On Fri­day 25th Octo­ber, we wel­come the leg­endary dis­co, house and rare groove mas­ter Nor­man Jay MBE to Faith In Strangers Margate.

Nor­man Jay is unques­tion­ably one of the most respect­ed and pop­u­lar DJs in the world today. Co-founder of the leg­endary Good Times Sound Sys­tem and Lon­don dance music sta­tion KISSFM, Jay fos­tered the Rare Groove’ scene push­ing the bound­aries of the UK’s emerg­ing club cul­ture and award­ed an MBE for ser­vices to dee­jay­ing and music in 2017. He con­tin­ues to con­vert gen­er­a­tions of club­bers to the cause, cham­pi­oning new sounds, yet nev­er for­get­ting his musi­cal roots, thus guar­an­tee­ing noth­ing but Good Times’.


6:00 PM
Venue Open
9:00 PM
DJ's Start


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