Sat 09 Apr

Sun­set Selec­tions with Jen­ny Jen & Nadia

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

This Sat­ur­day from 6pm, sun­set views incom­ing, dance floor ready, tunes and vibes brought to you by two of last sum­mers’ favourites Jen­ny Jen and Nadia. 

Jen­ny Jen & Nadia Simone’s pas­sion for music and their com­bined love for all things house, dis­co, soul and funk have made them firm favourites at fes­ti­vals around the globe includ­ing Love Inter­na­tion­al in Croa­t­ia and Glas­ton­bury.
Nads hosts a month­ly show on Mar­gate Radio and Jen­ny Jen is a res­i­dent for Bris­tol based radio Noods. They love com­ing togeth­er and shar­ing what they love behind the decks, and are super excit­ed to be return­ing to Faith in Strangers.


7:43 AM


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