Thu 10 Mar

Mar­gate Mod­u­lar 003

Presented by Mar­gate Modular

About this event

The win­ter months can be the per­fect time to bur­row away for a bit of son­ic exper­i­men­ta­tion, try­ing out new things, and think­ing up new projects.

Hope­ful­ly it’s been a fruit­ful and inspir­ing time for many of you and now that the lighter nights are com­ing in we’re excit­ed to hear what everyone’s been up to.

If you’re think­ing of join­ing us for the first time MM is some­where between a meet-up and a live elec­tron­ic open mic. As the name sug­gests expect some mod­u­lar as well as oth­er hard­ware synths, drum machines, tape, effects ped­als, per­for­ma­tive con­trollers and sequencers. Any­thing goes real­ly, as long as it’s not too DAWcentric. 

All lev­els are welcome :)

If you have some­thing you’d like to share on the night please let us know before­hand, you can con­tact us here — margatemodular@​gmail.​com or @margatemodular on Instagram.


7:00 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.