Wed 08 Sep

Mar­gate Mod­u­lar 001

Presented by Mar­gate Mod­u­lar & Faith In Strangers

About this event

It can get lone­ly down this rab­bit hole… which is why we’ve put togeth­er MAR­GATEMOD­U­LAR’ — a gath­er­ing for curi­ous music mak­ers and exper­i­men­tal hard­ware enthusiasts.

As the name sug­gests expect lots of modular/​eurorack as well as oth­er hard­ware synths, drum machines, tape, effects ped­als, per­for­ma­tive con­trollers and sequencers. Any­thing goes real­ly, as long as it’s not too DAWcentric.

Whether you’re think­ing of dip­ping your toes in or you’re already a finan­cial­ly com­pro­mised devo­tee, all lev­els are welcome.

Our pilot event is tak­ing place on the 8th of Sep­tem­ber, with a live per­for­mance on the night from Raven Bush and an infor­mal chat/​interview about his set-up and cre­ative process.

If you have a small portable set up of your own that you’d like to bring we’ll be set­ting up some low key nooks around the venue. So you can chat and share your favourite mod­ules, new gear or any hard­ware exper­i­ments you’re work­ing on.

If you’d like to bring your set­up please let us know before­hand, you can con­tact us here — margatemodular@​gmail.​com or @margatemodular on Instagram.

This is a free event! Hap­py days :)

Keep updat­ed via Instagram -



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7:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

Com­ing soon

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