Sat 16 Apr

FIS X Warm — Horse Meat Dis­co // SOLD OUT

Presented by Faith In Strangers & Warm

About this event

We are proud to announce the first show of our Warm Series: On Sat­ur­day 16th of April, everyone’s favourite South Lon­don col­lec­tive will be com­ing to town with a big box of glit­tery dis­co gems. Horse Meat Dis­co are going to be fill­ing up Faith In Strangers with their own spe­cial brand of free and uncon­di­tion­al love, just for you. We’re so excit­ed about this one and will be mak­ing our dance­floor big­ger than usu­al in anticipation. 

The night will start with sup­port from Nat & Nadia as well as a set with Warm stal­wart Ali Tillett. Get your tick­ets here and join us from 6pm.

Ini­tial­ly estab­lished in 2004 at The Eagle, an innocu­ous gay bar in London’s Vaux­hall, Horse­Meat Dis­co has evolved into a pow­er­ful force in queer and club cul­ture as a whole, whilestay­ing local to its orig­i­nal home, each and every Sun­day. Co-found­ed by James Hillard and­Jim Stan­ton, and encom­pass­ing res­i­dents Sev­eri­no and Luke Howards, the crew con­tin­ue to main­tain not only the week­ly Sun­day par­ty, but a num­ber of res­i­den­cies in cities across the world, along­side a kalei­do­scope of club appear­ances, fes­ti­val dates and spe­cial­ly curat­ed mixes. 

Tak­ing inspi­ra­tion from a diverse, counter-cul­tur­al his­to­ry of clubs and DJs, as well as from the sprawl­ing, ever-expand­ing musi­cal col­lec­tions of it’s res­i­dent crew, the sound of HMD is impos­si­ble to place. Nonethe­less their style is unde­ni­able, as is a pop­per-scent­ed air of sheer authen­tic­i­ty. Root­ed in hedo­nism, rhythm, free­dom and emo­tion, a Horse Meat Dis­coset rein­forces every­thing invig­o­rat­ing about dis­co, as com­fort­able as shat­ter­ing old-schoolmir­ror ball clich­es as bask­ing in their light.

A typ­i­cal HMD­set blends clas­sics, ita­lo dis­co, house, odd­i­ties and punk funk, to con­jure theirini­tial spir­it of a queer par­ty for every­one”, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, Homos and Heteros,club kids, bears, fash­ion­istas, natur­ists, gueril­la drag queens and ladies who munch.” They have made appear­ances on every notable club scene in the mod­ern world, as well as those beyond, and have long been a key fix­ture at fes­ti­vals includ­ing Glas­ton­bury, Besti­val and­Fes­ti­val No.6.Outside of the club, the Horse Meat Dis­co train rolls across the air­waves on Rinse FM, where the crew hold down a week­ly res­i­den­cy every Sun­day after­noon, serv­ing as a pre and post-club Sun­day lunch accom­pa­ni­ment, often delv­ing into the more soul­ful shades of their sub­lime taste, often encom­pass­ing rave groove, gospel and what­ev­er they can’t get away with on the dance­floor (which, as the years have proven, isn’t much). 

A series of expert­ly curat­ed and acclaimed com­pi­la­tions for reis­sue label Strut helped fur­ther cement HMS for­mi­da­ble but com­mu­nal rep­u­ta­tion as dis­co mas­ter­minds, spread­ing their sound and many envi­able obscu­ri­ties into front rooms and record bags across the world. Their lat­est, MeatMe Down the Dis­co’, was released on Z Records in 2017.After decades of crate dig­ging, glo­be­trot­ting and par­ty­ing, the HMD sto­ry con­tin­ues apace.2017 also saw the crew record their long-await­ed con­tri­bu­tion to BBC Radio 1’s Essen­tialMix’, as well as their first joint for­ay into pro­duc­tion, Wait­ing For You To Call’, fea­tur­ing Roy­Inc., and released on their own, self-titled imprint. They are cur­rent­ly work­ing on new music to be released with Glit­ter­box, with the new sin­gle Let’s Go Danc­ing’ released in Decem­ber 2018.


6:00 PM
Doors Opens


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.