Sat 13 Aug

Mar­gate Pride: Homoelectric

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

On Sat­ur­day 13th August we cel­e­brate Pride in each oth­er, Pride in the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty and Pride in our shared, con­tin­ued fight against prej­u­dice and for equal­i­ty. Faith In Strangers are proud to present one of Mach­ester’s finest col­lec­tives — Homo­elec­tric. The night will start with North­down, the artist for­mer­ly known as Ant C.

£1 from every tick­et sold will be donat­ed to Mar­gate Pride CIC.

Homo­elec­tric run a non-stop off-piste dark dis­cotek for homos, het­eros, les­bos and don’t knows. 

Into this place with no cor­ners there is an alche­my from cos­mic grooves, street soul, slo mo dance, boo­gie, black heart dis­co, US garage, house, tech­noid out­er­space son­ic sci­ence, bass bug­gin’ raw­ness, odd num­bers and vocals from heav­en. We are homobloc. We are friends elec­tric. We are the late night disenfranchised.

Homo­elec­tric is an under­ground LGBTQ night from Man­ches­ter made up of 5 res­i­dent DJS. Luke Una, Gina Breeze, Jamie Bull, Will Tramp and Lukas.


6:00 PM
7:00 PM
Northdown (Ant C)
10:30 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.