Sat 04 Jun

Sun­set Selec­tions with Helen & Paul

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

There are many famous duos: Bat­man & Robin, Thel­ma & Louise, Peanut But­ter & Jam. This Sat­ur­day, at the request of Her Majesty the Queen, Helen & Paul will be round­ing off a very spe­cial week­end by com­ing togeth­er and cook­ing up a treat. Due to what lawyers have described as artis­tic dif­fer­ences, the pair have not played togeth­er for many years, this rare appear­ance togeth­er rep­re­sents a rare chance to see two high­ly tem­pera­men­tal mas­ters at work.

We are expect­ing our great unelect­ed over­lord to make spe­cial on the dance­floor, throw­ing shapes and mak­ing requests for obscure afrobeat b‑sides.


6:00 PM
Doors Open


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