Sat 11 Jun

George FitzGer­ald hosts SANDS afterparty

Presented by Sands

About this event

George FitzGer­ald will draw a line under the land­mark SANDS Fes­ti­val. The fes­ti­val that will be lit up by BICEP, Float­ing Points, Ben UFO, George FitzGer­ald, The Comet Is Com­ing and more is tru­ly a spe­cial moment for our shores. There is a lim­it­ed amount of tick­ets avail­able for this par­ty, so we sug­gest you grab yours quickly.

Please note, our Ter­race Lounge has been booked for Friends of SANDS for this event.

George FitzGer­ald’s 2018All That Must Be’ and his OTH­ER­Li­iNE’ col­lab­o­ra­tion with Lil Sil­va were released to much crit­i­cal acclaim and recog­ni­tion. Since then, George has been tour­ing the world and will be tak­ing play­ing at Faith In Strangers after the sun goes down. 


10:00 PM
Afterparty begins


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.