Sat 16 Jul

FIS X Warm // Balearic Break­fast with Colleen Cos­mo Murphy

Presented by Faith In Strangers X Warm

About this event

Join us for the launch of the Balearic Break­fast album by Colleen Cos­mo’ Mur­phy. On the 16th of July, our series with the heroes from Warm con­tin­ues: Radio and dance floor roy­al­ty Colleen Cos­mo’ Mur­phy is sup­port­ed by Balearic Prince Paul Mudd’ Mur­phy (no rela­tion), in an evening that promis­es to cre­ate many beau­ti­ful new mem­o­ries, with a few nods to the par­ties of yesteryear.

On Sat­ur­day we Colleen will be curat­ing an evening in the same vein as her acclaimed new Balearic Break­fast release. Learn why every­one is bang­ing on about this record by read­ing Res­i­dent Advi­sors Review of Cos­mo’s Balearic Breakfast.

Colleen Cos­mo’ Mur­phy is an unde­ni­able musi­cal tour de force. A dis­co doyenne. The audio con­nois­seur you want in charge of your par­ty. A cura­tor with a deep under­stand­ing of the pro­found ways in which we con­nect with music. A sophis­ti­cat­ed broad­cast­er with a vel­vety voice and an envi­able crate of under­stat­ed gems. Over the last 30 years Colleen has gone from being an afi­ciona­do of the NYC under­ground, men­tored by dance music leg­ends David Man­cu­so and François K, to an inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned tastemak­er and in-demand selec­tor and remix­er, whose events have helped to shape the cul­tur­al land­scape and change the conversation.

Colleen car­ries the torch of her own var­ied musi­cal his­to­ry with her unique musi­cal mix. As well as her Clas­sic Album Sun­days show on World​wide​.fm, Colleen has con­tin­ued to inno­vate through the 2020 and 2021 lock­downs with her Balearic Break­fast request show, where she push­es the bound­aries of what is con­sid­ered Balearic’, far past its more shal­low rep­re­sen­ta­tion of pool­side muzak’.” Broad­cast­ing live dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, she con­tin­ues, has giv­en the shows more mean­ing both for my lis­ten­ers and for myself.” In Sep­tem­ber 2021 she took Balearic Break­fast to Ibiza where she head­lined and closed the Balearic Beat Hotel fes­ti­val, play­ing back to back with the Balearic leg­end DJ Alfredo.


6:00 PM
Doors Open


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.