Fri 15 Jul

Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Join us on Fri­day for a mega dose of North­ern Soul, brought to you by Lon­don’s revival­ists Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club.

Sup­port­ing them will be none oth­er than one of our favourite res­i­dents, Matt Walsh.

Offer­ing gim­mick free par­ties up and down the UK; Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club is a new breed soul night for the next gen­er­a­tion of par­ty goers. With the aim to bring North­ern Soul back into the con­ver­sa­tion of mod­ern dance music; expect fast hard hit­ting soul stom­pers, heavy per­spi­ra­tion, dance moves you’ve nev­er seen before and a hang­over you’ll want to for­get. This is the new face of soul brought to you by the next gen­er­a­tion, dig­ging through the inter­net and their par­ents record col­lec­tions to bring you a dance music ori­en­tat­ed dis­play of the finest trum­pets, the heav­i­est drum breaks and the most deeply heart-wrench­ing vocals; that you’ve prob­a­bly heard before.

Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club start­ed in Novem­ber 2016 with a sold-out show at Bunker Club in Dept­ford. Due to pop­u­lar demand they returned to spin records as part of a month­ly res­i­den­cy at the club — that still con­tin­ues on and off to this day! Since then, backed by reg­u­lar sell-out nights with queues down the street, Will and Lewis took the par­ty to Glas­ton­bury Fes­ti­val 2017 play­ing to over 1500 peo­ple at William’s Green stage where they were list­ed as num­ber 20 in the top attrac­tions at the fes­ti­val. Since then, the boys played at End of The Road Fes­ti­val, Nor­man Jay MBE’s Good Times Goes East par­ty in Hack­ney and at the Q Awards at the Round­house in Cam­den. In Novem­ber 2017 they went on tour around the UK and Ire­land secur­ing them anoth­er month­ly Lon­don based residency.

The sum­mer of 2018 boast­ed nights at Cor­si­ca Stu­dios — Lon­don, Menagerie — Belfast and The Junc­tion — Cam­bridge, to name a few. DNSC also hit the fes­ti­val cir­cuit to head­line the cov­et­ed After Dark slot on The Walled Gar­den stage at Green Man Fes­ti­val in Wales spin­ning tunes to well over 1.5k fes­ti­val goers. More recent­ly, the boys took their night to Man­ches­ter for a month­ly res­i­den­cy at YES, cement­ing them­selves in the north with a mas­sive sell out debut all before head­ing out on a mini pre-NYE tour debut­ing Brighton, Kome­dia and icon­ic East Lon­don venue, The Shack­lewell Arms. DNSC also returned to the Round­house, Cam­den to play at the Q‑Awards with Idles and Wolf Alice.

In the run up to the sum­mer DNSC joined the cam­paign to Save The Social rais­ing mon­ey to save the icon­ic Soho venue, hit up the Queens Yard Sum­mer Par­ty in Hack­ney, and debuted Bristol’s Thekla. June 2019 saw Will and Lewis return to Glas­ton­bury Fes­ti­val play­ing five times over the week­end includ­ing The Meat Rack in NYC Down­low, William’s Green and the Deluxe Din­er in Shangri La.


6:00 PM
11:00 PM
DNSC Kick Off


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.