Thu 16 Dec

Christ­mas Party

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

On the 16th of Decem­ber we’ll be host­ing a Christ­mas get togeth­er, join­ing us will be a very spe­cial guest. Like the Ghost of Christ­mas past this leg­endary fig­ure came into our lives to regale us with sto­ries from with­in our own four walls, beyond the incep­tion of Faith In Strangers, reach­ing back through the annals of time. He told us of music and danc­ing, from a time when Mar­gate was thriv­ing and our dance floor was heaving. 

To bring back the good times, for a one off Christ­mas Spe­cial we give you — DJ Cripp­sy, as Cripps Cringle!

DJ Cripp­sy start­ed play­ing records in 1976 at the Galleon Tav­ern in Dream­land, then the West Coast Din­er and The Club Impe­r­i­al in 1977 along with Bar Majes­tic below. Lat­er Cripp­sy played at the Bowlers Arms Pub (below Faith In Strangers) but to top it all off Cripp­sy played the the famous Starlight Club which sat in the very build­ing that we occu­py today. Flash for­ward to Christ­mas present and Cripp­sy is a reg­u­lar at Mar­gate Soul Fes­ti­val, Impe­r­i­al Bar, the Har­bour Arm, Win­ter Gar­dens, The Oxford and many oth­er local venues.

Expect a mix­ture of soul, funk, dis­co and maybe the odd dash of Christ­mas cheer. 

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6:00 PM
Doors open


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

Com­ing soon

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