Sun 01 May

Be About It with Toby Tobias & Piers Harrison

Presented by Be About It

About this event

Be About It’… is an occa­sion­al trav­el­ing club night. Loose­ly root­ed in British dance­floor cul­ture, you’re like­ly to hear digi-dub, soul, 90s house white labels and beyond — deep music with a prop­er par­ty atmosphere.

Piers Har­ri­son co-runs the Mys­ti­cisms record label, is a quar­ter of Soft Rocks and writes for Test Press­ing. He DJs world­wide, from Pre­cious Hall to Plas­tic Peo­ple to Cock­tail D’amore. He also owns a dog that once swal­lowed a sock.

Toby Tobias has released music on Rekids, Delu­sions of Grandeur, and Inter­na­tion­al Feel. Over the years, he has run a cou­ple of labels — Late Night Audio and Lon­don Hous­ing Trust, with a new one on the hori­zon, Voice Notes, which launch­es in 2022. In addi­tion, he has DJ’d at most places that count, includ­ing Panora­ma Bar, Hon­ey Soundsys­tem, Fab­ric and twice in Norwich.


11:40 PM


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