Seav­iew Cul­tur­al Venue on the Cliff 🌊

Home to our custom-built 'Poseidon Sound System'. Open Fri & Sat 6pm - late🍸 Also a coworking space during the week.

Faith In Strangers is our small club with colos­al ambi­tions, based in Cliftonville, Margate.

Cen­tered around our love of sound sys­tems, we have cus­tom built the mighty Posei­don Sound Sys­tem’ suit­able for audio­philes and live music — read more about it here.

We host club nights, live per­for­mances, and oth­er cul­tur­al hap­pen­ings. Rumour has it, there’s even a per­ma­nent restau­rant on the horizon.

An open-plan, one room space with icon­ic sun­set seav­iew scenes across Mar­gate’s kalei­do­scop­ic skies.

Per­fect set­ting for large groups, birth­days, wed­dings and spe­cial occa­sions. Check out our venue hire section.

By day, the venue also dou­bles as a cowork­ing space dur­ing the work­week from 8am.

See what's on
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Margate Cocktail Bar
Margate Cocktail Bar


Our aim is to build a com­mu­ni­ty that inspires and sup­ports artists, per­form­ers, and DJs in explor­ing their curiosi­ties, exper­i­ment­ing with new styles, and find­ing fresh ways to hon­our her­itage and clas­sic influ­ences. While root­ed in a pas­sion for elec­tron­ic music, dis­co, rar­i­ties, and psy­che­del­ic or exper­i­men­tal sounds from around the globe, our music pol­i­cy remains open and unre­strict­ed. We focus on uncov­er­ing unheard music, shar­ing it, and craft­ing an atmos­phere that trans­ports our audi­ence to new, excit­ing places.

Faith In Strangers is about the trust between peo­ple that cre­ates moments of uni­ty; Com­mon ground for uncom­mon expe­ri­ences. We give artists the room to exper­i­ment and shape these moments. We are not inter­est­ed in gener­ic,​‘crowd pleasers’ and music you could hear at any bar across the UK.

We plat­form a wide range of selec­tors, DJ’s and live acts, some artists we’ve had play below.. Check out our dis­cov­ery page for artists that have played here.

Learn more

Sat 19 Oct 2024

Red Rack­’em All Night Long

Presented by Faith In Strangers


Fri 25 Oct 2024

Nor­man Jay MBE

In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right


Sat 26 Oct 2024

Evil Plans vs Nein

In partnership with The Evil Plans

Fri 01 Nov 2024

DJ Hype vs DJ Haz­ard Hal­loween Special

In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right


Fri 08 Nov 2024

Octave One Live

Presented by Faith In Strangers Live Series



We offer a selec­tion of bespoke cock­tails, Our wine list is ever evolv­ing and for beer lovers, we have ten rotat­ing taps fea­tur­ing a vari­ety of local and inter­na­tion­al selec­tions, if you can’t decide what pint to have ask the staff to play Beer Of For­tune’ for a spe­cial feature ;)

Tommy's Margarita
Tommy's Margarita
Sunset Cocktails
Sunset Cocktails

Our bar is usu­al­ly open from 6pm on Fri­day & Sat­ur­days unless there is an event. Usu­al­ly there are tick­et­ed events from around 9/​10pm so check our What’s On page.


Faith In Strangers is a cowork­ing space, main­ly for indi­vid­u­als and col­lab­o­ra­tors work­ing in cre­ative, artis­tic, design and well­be­ing sec­tors. The Work­space is open Mon­day to Fri­day: 08:00 – 18:00. Book a tour to check it out.

Our aim is to cre­ate a plat­form for strangers to become friends and share expe­ri­ences of new art, cul­ture and endeav­ours that they have in common.

Join a hive mind of cre­ative thinkers in a build­ing that encour­ages inspi­ra­tion and syn­er­gy. Help to grow a com­mu­ni­ty that will help you grow.

Check out the space
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Faith In Strangers Sunset
Faith in Strangers 12
West Side
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Nadia & Jenn

Our facilities

  • Pro-Wifi + Data Sockets

  • CCTV

  • AC + Ventilation

  • Fob Door Access

  • Storage

  • Biophilic Design

  • Bioadaptive Lighting

  • Bespoke Furniture

  • Custom-built Sound

  • Filter Coffee + Teas

  • Printer + Scanner

  • Video Systems

  • Reference Library

  • Members Portal

  • Cultural Programme