Posei­don Sound Club

A space for the music com­mu­ni­ty to con­nect, lis­ten and refine.


The mis­sion, to pro­vide a plat­form where you can expe­ri­ence your musi­cal cre­ations on our cus­tom-built Posei­don Sound Sys­tem. This isn’t just about play­ing your tracks; it’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to receive gen­uine, con­struc­tive feed­back from a com­mu­ni­ty of like-mind­ed artists. Imag­ine hear­ing your work loud, clear, and laid bare, pro­vid­ing a fresh per­spec­tive on every note whilst con­nect­ing with oth­er local musicians.

This is open to all gen­res, and not just artists but engi­neers, pro­duc­ers and all audio creators.

Sign up and send your music in.

Call­ing all local music mak­ers, indus­try and hob­bi­ests…. join our What­sapp group, cur­rent­ly for announce­ments only.

Join Here

Upcoming events

Ivw poseidon sound club 29 1 square

Wed 29 Jan 2025

Posei­don Sound Club Vol.2

Presented by Faith In Strangers

DSC 0070 1

Our sys­tem, designed as an audio­phile PA, suit­able for lis­ten­ing ses­sions, club and live music! offers an excep­tion­al sound stage, super high def­i­n­i­tion, sep­a­ra­tion of ele­ments, along with warm and tight bot­tom end. It’s engi­neered to reveal nuances in your music, pro­vid­ing a new con­text that could inspire you to fine-tune or maybe to start again? (hope­ful­ly not!)

Read more about it here.


Poseidon Sound Club is a space for the music community—artists, producers, engineers, and music lovers alike—to connect, share their work, and receive feedback (if they want) on a custom-built club sound system. It’s open to anyone, regardless of experience level, who wants to refine their sound and connect with others in music.

After signing up, we’ll send you instructions on how to submit your track. You’ll upload your music before the event, and we’ll feature selected tracks for group listening. There’s no specific style required—Poseidon Sound Club is open to all genres, so whether you create electronic, jazz, classical, rock, or anything in between, we’d love to hear it!

Absolutely! You’re welcome to join us even if you’re not sharing a track. Poseidon Sound Club is all about community, so feel free to come along, listen, connect, and be part of the experience.

4th December 19:00