Sat 01 Feb

WEN (DJ Set): JSPH­YNX After Par­ty (IVW 2025)

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Join us after the excel­lent live show with Jsph­ynx — con­tin­u­ing on the par­ty into the night with a DJ set with Wen.

Owen Dar­by, oth­er­wise known by his pro­duc­er alias Wen, grew up in Rams­gate, and he always looked to the cap­i­tal — and its bustling pirate radio scene of the late 2000s — for inspiration.

His out­sider takes on garage and grime saw him devel­op a sound that, for many, tapped into the spir­it of ear­ly dub­step. He re-imag­ined the genre’s icon­ic sounds with­in cold­er, dark­er and more dance­able set­tings. Clas­sic grime vocals were con­densed into sec­onds-long snip­pets that he’d loop, each act­ing as a primer to the incom­ing beat — a pro­duc­er quip that quick­ly became his call­ing card.

Wen released his debut EP, Com­mo­tion, in 2013 on Keysound Record­ings. It proved to be the launch­pad for his crit­i­cal­ly-acclaimed debut album, Sig­nals — an album Res­i­dent Advi­sor described as, dance­able as hell, but also relent­less­ly dark,” — fol­lowed by anoth­er 12” for Keysound, this time a white label cut of his remark­able flip of Dizzee Rascal’s Strings Hoe.” He held a res­i­den­cy DJ slot on Rinse FM whilst putting out a string of records for Tem­pa, Tec­ton­ic, Wis­dom Teeth and Sound­man Chron­i­cles lead­ing into his sopho­more album, Ephemera, on Nin­jaTunes Big Dada label. Since 2020, Wen has released EPs on GD4YA along­side like-mind­ed pro­duc­ers El‑B, SP:MC and Plas­ti­cian — see­ing Wen go full cir­cle, with a fresh spin on the garage and 2‑step sound that sparked his ear­ly for­ays into production.

(Tick­et hold­ers for JSPH­YNX show, do not need to pur­chase an after par­ty tick­et to stay!)


10:35 AM


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