Thu 17 Mar

The Quiz w/​Dr Luke (St Pad­dy’s Special)

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

UPDATE: Unfor­tu­nate­ly tonight’s quiz is can­celled due to the Quiz-Mas­ter-Luke get­ting struck down by covid. Fear not, he’s beat­ing it with puz­zles and conun­drums. He’ll be back next month, details to fol­low….

What bet­ter way to cel­e­brate the glo­ri­ous emer­ald isle than with Dr Luke on Thurs­day from 7pm for our sec­ond edi­tion of The Quiz.

You’re a smar­ty pants right, you’ve got knowl­edge of film, tv, sport, music, triv­ia and quan­tum physics, right? Why not come along and car­ry your team to vic­to­ry, win­ning them free drinks and you a life time of gloating. 

Play in a team of many or an army of one.


6:00 PM
Doors open


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.