Thu 22 Jul

Sun­set Ses­sions with Luke Una

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

This Thurs­day Luke Una will be sound­track­ing the sun­set! (🙏)

Entry is free, we open from 18:00 and we now oper­ate as walk-ins.

Please look out for our covid guid­ance in the fol­low­ing posts.

Begin­ning his career as an orig­i­nal Sheffield house young blood in the mid 1980’s Luke moved to Man­ches­ter and his part­ner­ship with fel­low Unabomber Justin Craw­ford saw the birth of Elec­tric Chair, a cor­ner­stone cult night in the UK under­ground club scene, Luke was one half of the pro­duc­tion team of The Unabombers, whose elec­tric souls edits gained a loy­al fol­low­ing. Luke and Justin cre­at­ed Elec­tric Ele­phant, a Croa­t­ian fes­ti­val pay­ing homage to their wild eclec­ti­cism from Balearic, to Brazil­ian to E soul, House, Dis­co and Tech­no. Luke’s much loved, long run­ning Homo­elec­tric night and more recent­ly Homobloc sell out fes­ti­val for 10,000 souls has been at the fore­front of Manchester’s LGBTQ cul­tur­al land­scape. Lukes Fri­day new evening show on World­wideFm has cap­tured imag­i­na­tions and has already become a cult 4 hour must lis­ten to month­ly jour­ney with fans all over the world. Today Luke remains, as ever, at the fore­front of a chang­ing scene, pair­ing the momen­tous lega­cy of Manchester’s 80s and 90s scene with the deliv­ery of what today’s club com­mu­ni­ties need to get down. A force to be reck­oned with in the per­pet­u­a­tion of UK club cul­ture and the own­er of a sin­gu­lar Insta­gram account.


4:59 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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