Fri 04 Jun

Sun­set Selec­tions with Toby Tobias

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Toby has been at it since the 90’s with gigs world­wide and has record­ed for a slew of labels such as @delusionsofgrandeurrecords, REKKIDS, Let’s Play House and most recent­ly @esp_institute. His out­put rang­ing from dreamy Balearic affairs to intense ana­logue hard­ware jams.

Today, he’s a part of the @phonicarecords fam­i­ly with whom he holds a month­ly res­i­den­cy in Soho.

As a DJ, Toby hyp­not­i­cal­ly mix­es from a vast knowl­edge of music and brings his
ver­sa­tile selec­tion and will be tak­ing us on a sun­set son­ic jour­ney :)

He also recent­ly has a book out on @klassewrecks a col­lec­tion of his­toric rave art­works…

Between the years of 1990 and 1994 avid raver and face-on-the-scene Toby Tobias’ Smith was busy ful­fill­ing his insa­tiable appetite for club cul­ture. Con­sum­ing as much music as he could, he spent his time vis­it­ing a wide range of raves around Lon­don and the South West. Toby would make sure he col­lect­ed the fly­ers for these events as he went, col­lect­ing pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al for the events he attend­ed and also for ones he liked the look of. His per­son­al col­lec­tion grew and grew and was final­ly archived in the attic at his moth­er’s house and for­got­ten about for over 25 years”.

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5:00 PM


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