Sat 29 Jan

Reopen­ing Par­ty with Itchy Rich

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Brush­ing away the cob­webs of 2021 and mov­ing for­ward into 2022. We leave the old behind us and what bet­ter per­son to reopen Faith In Strangers than the cos­mo­naut of cool. This Sat­ur­day we have Itchy Rich tak­ing us on a jour­ney through the annals of time and the mys­ter­ies of space; step aboard his big juicy record col­lec­tion and get ready for launch.

Itchy Rich is a vet­er­an of the UK and Euro­pean fes­ti­val scenes, reg­u­lar­ly play­ing at Love Inter­na­tion­al, Glas­ton­bury, Houghton, Gottwood as well as being the co-cre­ator of the infa­mous Labyrinth” stage at The Secret Gar­den Par­ty and a pro­gram­mer for Wilderness.


6:00 PM
Doors open


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.