Fri 08 Nov

Octave One Live

Presented by Faith In Strangers Live Series

About this event

In an exclu­sive and rare Mar­gate per­for­mance, Detroit tech­no leg­ends Octave One are bring­ing their unpar­al­leled live show to Faith in Strangers. Renowned for their all-hard­ware set­up – no lap­tops, just pure machines – broth­ers Lenny and Lawrence Bur­den trans­form syn­the­siz­ers and sequencers into a dynam­ic, hands-on expe­ri­ence that push­es the bound­aries of elec­tron­ic music. With icon­ic tracks like Black Water” and over three decades of influ­ence, Octave One’s live sets are glob­al­ly cel­e­brat­ed for their raw ener­gy and tech­ni­cal mastery.

This is a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to see true pio­neers of Detroit tech­no up close, in a set­ting as unique as their per­for­mance. Don’t miss the chance to feel the pulse of Detroit right here in Margate.


9:00 PM


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