Sun 26 May

Move­ment Vol.3 Bank Hol­i­day Spe­cial with Richard Fearless

Presented by Move­ment

About this event

Join us for a bank hol­i­day sun­day spe­cial with Richard Fear­less and Matt Walsh.

DJ/​producer/​musician/​visual artist Richard Fear­less’ sets are marked not by one genre, but a sig­na­ture sound; a com­mon­al­i­ty and cohe­sive nar­ra­tive that runs throughout. 

Fear­less began as res­i­dent DJ at the Job Club in London’s Soho dur­ing the 1990s, where he’d play along­side Claude Young, Der­rick May, Dave Angel and Andrew Weather­all. After a few years he was picked as a res­i­dent for the leg­endary Heav­en­ly Social. He has remixed Yoko Ono, Con­ny Plank, the Hor­rors, Ike Yard, Big Youth and Tikiman. 

While Fear­less’ DJ sets and his Death in Vegas out­put have typ­i­cal­ly fall­en into dif­fer­ent gen­res, over the last few years he has begun to knit the two more close­ly togeth­er. Since 2014, Fear­less has ran his own label Drone and released tracks and remix­es by the likes of Chris & Cosey, DJ Richard, Legow­elt, Silent Ser­vant, D’Marc Can­tu, Gabe Gurnsey (Fac­to­ry Floor) and Rudolf Klorzieger (Doppleref­fekt)

Bond­ing over a love of Throb­bing Gris­tle in 2016 Fear­less col­lab­o­rat­ed with Sasha Grey to release a raw, vis­cer­al tech­no album, Trans­mis­sion to much crit­i­cal acclaim and has con­tin­ued to push his work in a more abstract insu­lar direc­tion cul­mi­nat­ing in Deep Rave Mem­o­ry’ and the fol­low up LPFuture Rave Memory ’

Richard is cur­rent­ly co-runs a club called Goo at the Pick­le Fac­to­ry which sees him and fel­low res­i­dent Daniel Avery play back to back from start to finish.


8:00 PM


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