Sat 05 Dec

Mar­gate Sci­ence Fes­ti­val / Deep Time

In partnership with Super/​Collider

About this event

In Part­ner­ship with Super/​Collider. The first Mar­gate Sci­ence Fes­ti­val event will focus on the con­cept of Deep Time. We will hear from Robert Mac­far­lane, Tim­o­thy Mor­ton and Flo­ra Bowden. 

Join us on 05 Decem­ber from 4.30 — 7pm for a taster of super/collider’s Mar­gate Sci­ence Fes­ti­val, in part­ner­ship with Faith In Strangers.

Dur­ing the event, we would like vis­i­tors to con­sid­er the eco­log­i­cal deep time his­to­ry of Mar­gate and the sur­round­ing areas. The chalk cliffs of Mar­gate were built up by ocean sed­i­ment over many thou­sands of years. As we walk along the cliff­side, we view a phys­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tion of lay­ers of com­pressed time.

With­in this event we will con­sid­er how think­ing on a deep time” scale can alter our per­cep­tion of our envi­ron­ment. Can long term think­ing help us to make bet­ter deci­sions that allow us to val­ue and care for our environment?


4.30pm — Intro­duc­tion by super/​collider and talk by Flo­ra Bowden

5pm — Talk by Tim­o­thy Mor­ton & Q+A

6pm — Robert Mac­far­lane and Flo­ra Bow­den In Con­ver­sa­tion, Q+A

Robert Mac­far­lane

Robert Mac­Far­lane will be in con­ver­sa­tion with Flo­ra Bow­den. Mac­far­lane will also read from his new book Under­land: A Deep Time Jour­ney, pub­lished in May 2019. Hailed as the great nature writer of this gen­er­a­tion” (Wall Street Jour­nal), Robert Mac­far­lane is the cel­e­brat­ed author of books about the inter­sec­tions of the human and the nat­ur­al realms. In Under­land, he deliv­ers his mas­ter­piece: an epic explo­ration of the Earth­’s under­worlds as they exist in myth, lit­er­a­ture, mem­o­ry, and the land itself.

Robert Mac­far­lane is the author of Under­land, Moun­tains of the Mind, The Wild Places, The Old Ways, Land­marks, and The Lost Words, co-cre­at­ed with Jack­ie Mor­ris. Moun­tains of the Mind won the Guardian First Book Award and the Som­er­set Maugh­am Award and The Wild Places won the Board­man-Tasker Award. Both books have been adapt­ed for tele­vi­sion by the BBC. The Lost Words won the Books Are My Bag Beau­ti­ful Book Award and the Hay Fes­ti­val Book of the Year. He is a Fel­low of Emmanuel Col­lege, Cam­bridge, and writes on envi­ron­men­tal­ism, lit­er­a­ture and trav­el for pub­li­ca­tions includ­ing the Guardian, the Sun­day Times and The New York Times.

Tim­o­thy Morton

Tim­o­thy Mor­ton will dis­cuss deep time in con­text of a num­ber of his texts, includ­ing Dark Ecol­o­gy: For A Log­ic of Future Coex­is­tence” and Humankind: Sol­i­dar­i­ty with Non­hu­man People”.

Tim­o­thy Mor­ton is Rita Shea Guf­fey Chair in Eng­lish at Rice Uni­ver­si­ty. He has col­lab­o­rat­ed with Björk, Jen­nifer Wal­she, Jeff Bridges, Ola­fur Elias­son, and Phar­rell Williams. He co-wrote and appears in Liv­ing in the Future’s Past, a 2018 film about glob­al warm­ing with Jeff Bridges. He is the author of Being Eco­log­i­cal (Pen­guin, 2018), Humankind: Sol­i­dar­i­ty with Non­hu­man Peo­ple (Ver­so, 2017), Dark Ecol­o­gy: For a Log­ic of Future Coex­is­tence (Colum­bia, 2016), Noth­ing: Three Inquiries in Bud­dhism (Chica­go, 2015), Hyper­ob­jects: Phi­los­o­phy and Ecol­o­gy after the End of the World (Min­neso­ta, 2013), Real­ist Mag­ic: Objects, Ontol­ogy, Causal­i­ty (Open Human­i­ties, 2013), The Eco­log­i­cal Thought (Har­vard, 2010), Ecol­o­gy with­out Nature (Har­vard, 2007), eight oth­er books and 200 essays on phi­los­o­phy, ecol­o­gy, lit­er­a­ture, music, art, archi­tec­ture, design and food. His work has been trans­lat­ed into 10 lan­guages. In 2014, Mor­ton gave the Wellek Lec­tures in Theory.

Flo­ra Bowden

Flo­ra Bow­den is a PhD can­di­date at the Roy­al Col­lege of Art who works across print­mak­ing, paint­ing and sculp­ture. Her work draws on a broad range of research includ­ing sci­en­tif­ic his­to­ry, archae­ol­o­gy, dig­i­tal archives and muse­ol­o­gy. It is con­cerned with the mul­ti­ple tem­po­ral­i­ties of the image, with the inter­play of var­i­ous pasts and presents in the space of the image, and with the ques­tions of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, open­ness and sug­gestibil­i­ty that they raise.

Her work has been exhib­it­ed at gal­leries includ­ing at Ground­Work Gallery and APT Gallery among oth­ers, and she has taught at insti­tu­tions includ­ing The Roy­al Col­lege of Art, Rice Uni­ver­si­ty and Gothen­burg University.

About Faith In Strangers

Faith in Strangers’ pro­vide a plat­form for a diverse range of con­trib­u­tors who will cre­ate a cul­tur­al pro­gramme that includes music, film, immer­sive per­for­mance, instal­la­tions, experimental/​digital, aca­d­e­m­ic talks, food & drink, work­shops and more. Faith In Strangers is a mul­ti-use space in Mar­gate, hous­ing arts and cul­tur­al events, as well as a shared work­space for cre­ative individuals.

About super/​collider

Found­ed in 2006, super/​collider is an inde­pen­dent agency based in Mar­gate (UK) and Toron­to (CA), work­ing in and with peo­ple from the cre­ative indus­tries, we explore sci­ence from a pop cul­tur­al stand­point – bring­ing its won­ders to new audi­ences through events, expe­di­tions, books and content.

This event is curat­ed by Louise Beer and Melanie King.

If you are unable to pay, please send us an email and we can allo­cate a free tick­et to you.

Tick­et sales for this event go towards the run­ning costs of super/​collider.

***This event will be accessed online. We will send you the view­ing link on the day of the event. ***

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3:30 PM
Broadcast Starts
6:00 PM
Broadcast Ends


The broad­cast link will be sent via email



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