Fri 03 Jun

Low Life Aquatic

Presented by Low Life

About this event

On Bank Hol­i­day Fri­day the 3rd of June, most of the coun­try will be hang­ing bunting, drink­ing tea out of fine chi­na and get­ting all patri­ot­ic about the life and times of our great unelect­ed monar­chy. If that’s not your bag, then Low Life, Bill Brew­ster will be bring­ing his famous par­ty to Mar­gate for the first time. 

This will be an all day par­ty with music, food and drink. Get your tick­ets here (Link to follow)

From Low Life We will be recre­at­ing the vibes of Ibiza, but in Thanet, gate­way to the North Sea, home of Turn­er, birth­place of Tra­cy Emin and loca­tion of one of the world’\s sev­en mar­vels, the Shell Grot­to. Dress: Café del Margate.

Line Up

Ray Mang

Bill Brew­ster


Rosy Ross

Frank Broughton

From New York to Margate

Low Life was start­ed in March 1995, in New York by Bill Brew­ster and Frank Boughton, after the Sound Fac­to­ry closed and they had nowhere to go on a Sat­ur­day night. It was inspired in equal mea­sure with the Fac­to­ry and the Loft, but putting their own spin on it. The duo always called it a pro­fes­sion­al house par­ty rather than a club and that’s how they’ve always seen it. Bill and Frank start­ed throw­ing par­ties in lofts around the east end when they came back to the UK in 1997 and have been throw­ing inter­mit­tent par­ties ever since. Low Life has always been known for the par­ty rather than the DJs, so peo­ple turn up irre­spec­tive of who’s play­ing because they trust the name and know the DJs will be ace. Con­se­quent­ly, Low Life often plat­forms pret­ty obscure or unknown DJs know­ing that the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the par­ty will draw a great crowd. 


10:47 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.