Sat 08 Mar

Left­field (DJ Set)

Presented by Evil Plans

About this event


Join us on March 8th as Left­field brings their icon­ic sound to Faith In Strangers. Known for shap­ing the elec­tron­ic land­scape, a spe­cial and rare DJ set.

Left­field is one of the most influ­en­tial acts in elec­tron­ic music, known for their inno­v­a­tive blend of house, tech­no, and dub. Formed in Lon­don in 1989 by Neil Barnes and Paul Daley, Left­field quick­ly rose to promi­nence in the 90s with a unique sound that set them apart, incor­po­rat­ing deep basslines, exper­i­men­tal beats, and lush soundscapes.

Their debut album, Left­ism (1995), is wide­ly regard­ed as a land­mark record, cel­e­brat­ed for push­ing bound­aries with tracks like Open Up,” fea­tur­ing John Lydon, and Release the Pres­sure.” Leftfield’s live shows became leg­endary, com­bin­ing intense visu­als and bass-heavy sound sys­tems to cre­ate immer­sive expe­ri­ences that left a last­ing impres­sion on elec­tron­ic and dance music fans alike. The fol­low-up, Rhythm and Stealth (1999), cement­ed their sta­tus, fea­tur­ing hits like Phat Plan­et” that res­onat­ed on dance floors and in pop­u­lar cul­ture, part­ly due to its use in icon­ic Guin­ness commercials.

After a hia­tus, Neil Barnes revived Left­field as a solo project in the 2010s, keep­ing the spir­it of the orig­i­nal alive with a mix of new mate­r­i­al and live per­for­mances that revis­it their clas­sics. Today, Left­field is cel­e­brat­ed not only for their con­tri­bu­tions to elec­tron­ic music but also for their endur­ing influ­ence on how music is expe­ri­enced, remain­ing a pow­er­ful force on stages and in DJ sets worldwide.


9:00 PM


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