Sat 25 Sep

Last Dance Fes­ti­val Offi­cial After Par­ty with Crazy P (DJ Set)

Presented by The Last Dance Festival

About this event

Fol­low­ing the SOLDOUT The Last Dance Fes­ti­val with Groove Arma­da & Base­ment Jaxx DJ Sets on Sat­ur­day 25th Sep­tem­ber, we’re head­ing over to Faith In Strangers for the Offi­cial After­par­ty. The mighty Crazy P will be play­ing a DJ Set filled with the finest selec­tion of beats to keep you mov­ing well into the night! Tick­ets are on sale now: https://​bit​.ly/​C​r​a​z​y​P​a​fters

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11:00 PM


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