Fri 28 Apr

KMBN, Chu­pacabras and Yuri Suzu­ki Present: Amor Industrial

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About this event

Gear up for an excep­tion­al Fri­day night as local­ly-based tal­ents KMBN, Chu­pacabras, and Yuri Suzu­ki col­lab­o­rate to present: AMORINDUS­TRI­AL.
Fea­tur­ing Chu­pacabras, a record­ing artist, DJ, and label own­er with roots in San Anto­nio, Barcelona, and New York; Yuri Suzu­ki, a world-renowned sound artist, design­er, and elec­tron­ic musi­cian who has col­lab­o­rat­ed with indus­try giants like Jeff Mills; and KMBN, the brain­child of Szymek Lawik, a musi­cian and elec­tron­i­ca pro­duc­er who is an ex co-pilot of record label and Lon­don under­ground par­ty Feel The Dri­ve.
Pre­pare for a pow­er­house fusion of house, elec­tro and acid!!
Par­ty starts from 9pm — come for a Kojii din­ner beforehand!


2:29 PM


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