Fri 11 Nov

Jaw G

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Born in 1996 beneath the decks of Park Roy­al’s famous Georgie par­ties, Jaw‑G grew up sur­round­ed by house and tech­no, raised on a son­ic diet of Sasha and Andrew Weather­all. Jaw-G’s sets move flu­id­ly between the old and new. Intro­duc­ing dancers to gems found in the dusty cor­ners of records shops as well as on Band­camp rab­bit holes, she is on an end­less pur­suit of dance tracks with flair, groove, and hyp­not­ic rhythms. She has a month­ly Mar­gate Radio show and co-found­ed Femme Fies­ta, a Mar­gate-based par­ty plat­form­ing women and non-bina­ry folk, with DJ friend Katya


3:39 AM
6:00 PM


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