Fri 28 Jun

James Lavelle (UNKLE/​Mo’Wax)

Presented by FIS X Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

For the past 30 years, James Lavelle has been at the fore­front of glob­al club cul­ture. Known as much for his eclec­tic DJ sets as for his pro­duc­tion work with UNKLE, Lavelle has been laud­ed as a high­ly influ­en­tial tastemak­er and musi­cal cura­tor — even host­ing a mem­o­rable Melt­down at the South­bank Centre.

He has held down res­i­den­cies and sets across Fab­ric, KOKO, Print­works, Space, Water­gate and Zouk and played prac­ti­cal­ly every decent fes­ti­val that has existed.

He con­tin­ues to pro­duce albums under his UNKLE moniker, work­ing with a myr­i­ad cast of musi­cal col­lab­o­ra­tors includ­ing Thom Yorke, Richard Ashcroft, Bri­an Eno and Josh Homme and has reworked tracks for artists as diverse as Beck and Can.


9:00 PM


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